Republic Act No. 9166, passed in 2002, aims to boost the well-being of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) by increasing their salaries and benefits.

Here are the main points:

  1. State of Policy: The Act stresses the importance of professionalism in the military and commits to improving the welfare of AFP members.
  2. Pay Schedule: It sets a schedule for adjusting salaries based on rank to enhance overall welfare and dedication to service.
  3. Merit System: The Department of National Defense (DND) establishes a merit-based system for recruitment, promotion, and dismissal, including incentives like scholarships for soldiers’ children.
  4. Housing Assistance: A program is initiated to provide safe, affordable housing for AFP personnel, considering factors like rank and family situation.
  5. Appropriations: Initial costs come from AFP funds, with ongoing expenses included in the annual budget.
  6. Annual Report: The DND and DBM submit yearly reports on implementation and budgetary matters.
  7. Implementation: The Act is phased in over two years, ensuring consistency across all ranks and considering financial constraints.
  8. Implementing Guidelines: The DBM and DND issue guidelines to ensure effective execution.
  9. Repealing Clause: Conflicting laws are repealed or adjusted to align with this Act.
  10. Effectivity: The Act becomes effective after publication in official media.

AFP Salary Grade Table (Sec.2 of R.A. 9166)

Here’s the breakdown of the pay schedule:

RankSalary Grade
Lieutenant General29
Major General28
Brigadier General27
Lieutenant Colonel25
First Lieutenant22
Second Lieutenant21
Chief Master Sergeant18
Senior Master Sergeant17
Master Sergeant16
Technical Sergeant15
Staff Sergeant14
Private First Class11
Candidate Soldier7

This table outlines the ranks from the highest officer to the lowest enlisted ranks in the AFP, along with their respective salary grades as mandated.


Republic Act No. 9166, passed in 2002, boosts AFP welfare by raising salaries and benefits. It introduces a merit system, housing assistance, and guidelines for fair implementation.


  1. Republic Act No. 9166. (n.d.). Retrieved March 31, 2024, from
  2. ‌12th Congress. (2002, June 7). Republic Act No. 9166. Official Gazzette. Retrieved March 31, 2024, from

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