With the signing of Joint Resolution No. 1 by former President Rodrigo Duterte on January 1, 2018, Fire Officers in the Philippines were granted a significant opportunity for a base pay increase.

Base Pay

Here’s how firefighters’ pay increases are outlined in the Philippines’ salary grade table:

RankBase Pay (₱)
Fire Officer 129,668
Fire Officer 230,867
Fire Officer 332,114
Senior Fire Officer 133,411
Senior Fire Officer 234,079
Senior Fire Officer 334,761
Senior Fire Officer 438,366
Fire Inspector49,528
Fire Senior Inspector56,582
Fire Chief Inspector62,555
Fire Superintendent71,313
Fire Senior Superintendent80,583
Fire Chief Superintendent91,058
Fire Director102,896
Source: 20180101-JR-1-RRD.pdf (officialgazette.gov.ph)

The lowest-ranking BFP member, Fire Officer I, earns a monthly salary of ₱29,668, while the highest-ranking Director receives ₱102,896.

Longevity Pay

BFP Fire Officers receive longevity pay every five years, amounting to 10% of their base salary, capped at 50% of their basic pay.

If there’s a break in service due to unpaid leave, the longevity payment is delayed by the number of months without pay.

Quarters Allowance

BFP officers without housing get a monthly quarters allowance, ranging from ₱400.00 to ₱1,200.00 depending on rank. They also have access to living quarters at their office.

If transferred between stations, they receive a living quarters allowance as per the table below:

RankAmount per Month (₱)
Fire Officer 1400
Fire Officer 2400
Fire Officer 3450
Senior Fire Officer 1450
Senior Fire Officer 2450
Senior Fire Officer 3500
Senior Fire Officer 4500
Fire Inspector600
Fire Senior Inspector650
Fire Chief Inspector700
Fire Superintendent800
Fire Senior Superintendent900
Fire Chief Superintendent1,050
Fire Director1,200

Clothing Allowance

BFP firefighters receive a clothing allowance of ₱14,000 every 3 years to cover the costs of buying, cleaning, and maintaining their uniforms.

Personnel Economic Relief Allowance (PERA)

As per Senate Bill No. 3125, BFP Fire Officers receive PERA, totaling ₱4,000 monthly, to help them manage inflation and increasing prices.

Hazard Pay

Philippine firefighters receive extra hazard pay, compensating for the risks they face during their duties.

All fire officers get ₱540 monthly as hazard pay.

Subsistence Allowance

BFP personnel receive a subsistence allowance of ₱4,500 per month to cover the cost of their daily meals, ensuring their availability for duty even during meal times.

Thank You Note:

To all BFP personnel, thank you for your hard work in keeping us safe. You do an important job, and we appreciate your bravery and dedication. Keep up the good work!

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